For any traveller, buying travel insurance is very much an essential purchase before they set off. Fine if you have the money available for what can be an expensive buy but if you do not, what options do you have? Should you travel without insurance or make do with some form of budget travel insurance? It is always better to have some cover than none at all. But can you get quality or even reasonable cover at a budget price?
The answer is… Yes you can. There are now hundreds of insurers who provide this type of cover so with some determination you will be able to find a budget travel insurance policy that gives you the cover you need at a price you can afford. You just need to know where to look.
Use a Broker
Don’t think that just because you are using someone else to find you your insurance that you are going to pay a lot for it. Many brokers specialise in the budget end of the market and offer policies that include all the cover you need at a competitive price. Because they have standardised the product offering they are able to offer volume discounts and will even be able to give you a choice of budget travel insurance plans. They also offer expertise, advice and a real person to talk to that will help you make your decision.
Go Direct to the Insurance Company
Going direct to an insurer can also get you a good value quality product. Many of the large insurers that you think would be too expensive for you now own smaller specialist companies that focus exclusively on travel insurance. They are often branded differently from the main company but you are more likely to get a quality product even though you are paying a cheaper price.
Search the Internet
A lot of the subsidiaries of major travel insurance companies operate exclusively online, which is another place you should look. If you are confident about doing all your own research and making the decision yourself you should follow this route. Internet purchases offer the lowest prices and you shouldn’t go wrong as long as you check which insurer is actually underwriting your policy.
Buy an Annual Policy
If you plan to make several trips during the year think about buying an annual or multi-trip budget travel insurance policy. You pay a one-off annual fee and for this you will get cover for you and your family if you wish for all your trips for 12 months. Stick with a well-known name, buy through a broker or over the internet and you should get a quality insurance policy at a very good price. If you take several trips during the year you will be amazed how little you are effectively paying for travel insurance for each one.